
might be getting let go from my current new job

I don't even know why this is bothering me, I don't even like this cheap assed paying job which has me super stressed out. I am currently in training…LOL! It's only been a week, I feel that I am slowly starting to get the hang of the job functions, which is quite a lot to handle, but I am having some major issues with how they operate. Number one, I can't take a scheduled meal break when needed…I can't leave the office, and have to eat my meal at the desk while still performing my job while eating. I kid not. When I go solo, there will not be another staff member around to take over while I take a break, so I will be working independent and alone. I told the owner tonight who's been training me, that I am an insulin dependant diabetic, and I take my insulin…

I don't even know why this is bothering me, I don't even like this cheap assed paying job which has me super stressed out. I am currently in training…LOL! It's only been a week, I feel that I am slowly starting to get the hang of the job functions, which is quite a lot to handle, but I am having some major issues with how they operate. Number one, I can't take a scheduled meal break when needed…I can't leave the office, and have to eat my meal at the desk while still performing my job while eating. I kid not. When I go solo, there will not be another staff member around to take over while I take a break, so I will be working independent and alone. I told the owner tonight who's been training me, that I am an insulin dependant diabetic, and I take my insulin between a set time, and have to eat food shortly after so I don't get low blood sugars. He had a very serious look on his face when I told him that…I think it was more of a concern that I could be a liability to his operations due to this. Anyhow…tonight when I was leaving, I think? He was joking, and he mentioned how he “has the ball in his court with regards to who goes and who stays,” and he then said so “you're coming in on Thursday for more training correct?” Ah yes? Anyhow….one of his drivers quit tonight too…so maybe he was being silly with me with saying that? Also, it is very distracting when the owner and other co-workers are in the office, chatting loudly around me while I am on the phone trying to take a customers information down, and all the while another person is on the radio telling me that they are clear and the amount for the ride. I got very snappy at a customer on the phone earlier due to this and the owner noticed how forceful I was being. It's really annoying. Anyhow…why do I care so much? Might be a blessing if they do can my ass.

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