
Might get fired…oddly fine with it.

I shouldn't be. I'm homeless, I need all the money I can get. But…they made me take a week off mental health leave last week and I've called every day this week sick because my brain is still too fucked up to deal with the abusive customers now that I've had a chance to realize how messed up this job is. I always knew I'd quit this one. I'm tired of working for a legalized scam center. I'm calling out tomorrow. I'm calling out Friday. They wanna fire me, so be it, they'd be doing me a favor.

I shouldn't be. I'm homeless, I need all the money I can get. But…they made me take a week off mental health leave last week and I've called every day this week sick because my brain is still too fucked up to deal with the abusive customers now that I've had a chance to realize how messed up this job is.

I always knew I'd quit this one. I'm tired of working for a legalized scam center.
I'm calling out tomorrow. I'm calling out Friday. They wanna fire me, so be it, they'd be doing me a favor.

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