
minimum wage went up, so everyone else’s wages are going down.

keeping this vague for privacy reasons — i work at a fast food chain, let's say minimum wage here was $10. all part time workers made minimum wage, but anyone who worked 40 hours a week got $12 an hour. recently, our minimum wage went up to (let's say) $11.50/hr. logically, you'd think full time employees would go up to $13.50/hr right? well, according to (fast food chain)'s new policy, full time workers now make minimum wage too. their pay literally went DOWN with the wage increase. pretty much all of my coworkers that previously worked full time have requested to be brought back down to part time hours again, myself included. most of us are still in school, so having extra free time is more valuable than working more hours, and without the $2 wage increase it's just not worth it to sacrifice 40 hours a week anymore. it's…

keeping this vague for privacy reasons — i work at a fast food chain, let's say minimum wage here was $10. all part time workers made minimum wage, but anyone who worked 40 hours a week got $12 an hour. recently, our minimum wage went up to (let's say) $11.50/hr. logically, you'd think full time employees would go up to $13.50/hr right? well, according to (fast food chain)'s new policy, full time workers now make minimum wage too. their pay literally went DOWN with the wage increase.

pretty much all of my coworkers that previously worked full time have requested to be brought back down to part time hours again, myself included. most of us are still in school, so having extra free time is more valuable than working more hours, and without the $2 wage increase it's just not worth it to sacrifice 40 hours a week anymore.

it's so dumb. we're already so short staffed and dealing with people quitting en masse, why would they get rid of one of the only incentives they had to work more? good luck with that.

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