
Missing payments

Nothing quite like a stack of voicemails about missed credit card payments while you’re at work. Since losing my job because of Covid it’s been a downward trajectory in income. I now can’t support my minimum payments with house bills. Working through a staffing agency, I’m not saving for retirement and turned down the high deductible crap (minimum coverage maximum cost) insurance due to cost. I’m scraping by. If this is what our society deems acceptable for a top-of-class graduate with top notch tech skills and ten years experience, they don’t get their debt paid. There is no morality or justice for us, so I’m not giving it to them. TLDR: since Covid my income has dropped by 30% so I’ve stopped making credit card payments. You want money pay me.

Nothing quite like a stack of voicemails about missed credit card payments while you’re at work. Since losing my job because of Covid it’s been a downward trajectory in income. I now can’t support my minimum payments with house bills. Working through a staffing agency, I’m not saving for retirement and turned down the high deductible crap (minimum coverage maximum cost) insurance due to cost. I’m scraping by. If this is what our society deems acceptable for a top-of-class graduate with top notch tech skills and ten years experience, they don’t get their debt paid. There is no morality or justice for us, so I’m not giving it to them.

TLDR: since Covid my income has dropped by 30% so I’ve stopped making credit card payments. You want money pay me.

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