
Monday Morning Dread

I used to have Monday morning dread because of the job itself. But now that I’ve switched and actually like my job there’s a new kind of dread. It’s turned into existential “the earth is dying, climate change will kill us all, you will never be able to retire, the cost of living crisis will spiral out of control, you will never buy a house and you are a powerless little pawn in the capitalist machine” dread. Am I alone here or is this normal now?

I used to have Monday morning dread because of the job itself. But now that I’ve switched and actually like my job there’s a new kind of dread.

It’s turned into existential “the earth is dying, climate change will kill us all, you will never be able to retire, the cost of living crisis will spiral out of control, you will never buy a house and you are a powerless little pawn in the capitalist machine” dread.

Am I alone here or is this normal now?

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