
Money can definitely buy happiness!

Anyone else heard the stupid phrase “Money can’t buy happiness”? Yeah, bullshit. I’ve been dirt poor trying to just scrabe by, living off of ramen. Now I have a great job paying 6 figures and I’m able to not have to stress or worry about money. For me happiness is the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. And my goal to reach financial independence has taught me that happiness is subjective. Saying “money can’t buy happiness” is just as dumb as saying “mcdonalds can’t make you fat” Just because a concept applies to you, doesn’t mean it applies to everyone. Happiness is subjective. And having enough money, is gonna definitely buy a lot of people happiness! My point of all of this, is that the phrase has been said by 2 people. 1) rich people who says this to their poor workers making minimum wage to ensure…

Anyone else heard the stupid phrase
“Money can’t buy happiness”?

Yeah, bullshit. I’ve been dirt poor trying to just scrabe by, living off of ramen. Now I have a great job paying 6 figures and I’m able to not have to stress or worry about money.

For me happiness is the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. And my goal to reach financial independence has taught me that happiness is subjective. Saying “money can’t buy happiness” is just as dumb as saying “mcdonalds can’t make you fat”

Just because a concept applies to you, doesn’t mean it applies to everyone. Happiness is subjective. And having enough money, is gonna definitely buy a lot of people happiness!

My point of all of this, is that the phrase has been said by 2 people.

1) rich people who says this to their poor workers making minimum wage to ensure them that “hey, me giving you a raise wont make you happier!”

2) poor people who believed that shit because they’ve been brainwashed into believing it.

Rant over. Go get your bread everybody!

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