
More to life than work. I’m not the weird one

This is going to sound very hippie maybe but hear me out lol. I usually wake up at 6. The world is dark and quiet and the birds are waking up as well. I take my shower in quiet. I drive to the office as the sky brightens up in pink and orange hues. At the office I set up my workplace and my desk is across a window where I see the sun come up. I'm all alone, since I intentionally start early so I don't have to deal with the loud people who come in at 9. I have an apple and take in the autumn air. During the day I regularly look outside for the weather. I'm daydreaming about the mountains I always visit during spring, or the woods I visit in late autumn/winter. As you may be able to tell, I love nature. So much I…

This is going to sound very hippie maybe but hear me out lol.

I usually wake up at 6. The world is dark and quiet and the birds are waking up as well. I take my shower in quiet. I drive to the office as the sky brightens up in pink and orange hues.

At the office I set up my workplace and my desk is across a window where I see the sun come up. I'm all alone, since I intentionally start early so I don't have to deal with the loud people who come in at 9. I have an apple and take in the autumn air.

During the day I regularly look outside for the weather. I'm daydreaming about the mountains I always visit during spring, or the woods I visit in late autumn/winter. As you may be able to tell, I love nature. So much I even have ambient forest sounds on every day.

During the day when people are around me, they think Im a bit goofy for it. They only talk about traffic, picking up kids, getting groceries and watching new shows every day. Their business so I dont really care tbh.

But suddenly I snap out of my NPC work state. There is a beautiful world out there. Seasons change. Lush environments. So many good and nice things, and all the people around me care and talk about is mortgages, tax reports and work. Its like they all live and breath work.

At first i thought i was the weird one for seeing past the rat race, the corporate ladder, the job titles. But in retrospect, i feel like its -them- who are the weird ones, who only dream of their vacation time and have no further dreams other than work.

There is so much more to life than work. I feel sad for those who don't know it or can't see it.

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