
Most jobs have no meaning

It is pointless to force everyone to work when the vast majority only do bullshit jobs that produce little to no value. The technology we have shouldn't be used to churn out endless cheap plastic environmentally wasting crap, but be used to automate as many jobs as possible to free as many people as possible. But unfortunately, no society will prioritise health and wellbeing over productivity (aka how much dollars you can make for someone in X hours), because the rich ruling class of billionaires, and in a lesser (but still way unachievable to the masses) capacity, politicians, will never let it happen. They benefit through us being a cog of the machine. And thanks to the work propaganda they shove down our throats plus sheer 9-5 exhaustion, the average person can't even see the matrix they are trapped in. Then, they spew out propaganda like 'oh, you can't do…

It is pointless to force everyone to work when the vast majority only do bullshit jobs that produce little to no value. The technology we have shouldn't be used to churn out endless cheap plastic environmentally wasting crap, but be used to automate as many jobs as possible to free as many people as possible.

But unfortunately, no society will prioritise health and wellbeing over productivity (aka how much dollars you can make for someone in X hours), because the rich ruling class of billionaires, and in a lesser (but still way unachievable to the masses) capacity, politicians, will never let it happen. They benefit through us being a cog of the machine. And thanks to the work propaganda they shove down our throats plus sheer 9-5 exhaustion, the average person can't even see the matrix they are trapped in. Then, they spew out propaganda like 'oh, you can't do anything about it, so just try being positive about work.' 'why not make your passion/your own business?' (because I don't want the few things that give chronically depressed me a few seretonin molecules to be turned into work? Which is inevitable if it is 9-5, which is what is required by society to get enough money to buy food and meds not to starve/die of illness)?

Even if I won the lottery tomorrow, I would love to go to VOLUNTEER. At hours that would work for me. To help disadvantaged people. No one needs 24/7 hour supermarkets with thousands of brands selling the same chemical shit. Is it convenient? Sure. BUt the entire setup is run wholly on human misery, and is entirely unnecessary.

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