
Most managers only become managers for money.

Most managers only became managers so they could make more money and advanced their career. Before you go into the work world you think your manager actually cares about you you think your manager is actually going to help you in your career. I’ve been in Positions where the managers like openly selfish and only cares about their own needs. All they care about is dumping the work on you and getting a big bonus. I’ve had some openly disregard me when I’m trying to give feedback on how to improve the workplace. They took the job of a manager but don’t want to do the job they just want to get paid. If you bring up issues in the workplace that need to be corrected they just ignore you and don’t do anything. They won’t use the budget to improve the department because if they keep the budget low…

Most managers only became managers so they could make more money and advanced their career.

Before you go into the work world you think your manager actually cares about you you think your manager is actually going to help you in your career.

I’ve been in Positions where the managers like openly selfish and only cares about their own needs. All they care about is dumping the work on you and getting a big bonus. I’ve had some openly disregard me when I’m trying to give feedback on how to improve the workplace. They took the job of a manager but don’t want to do the job they just want to get paid. If you bring up issues in the workplace that need to be corrected they just ignore you and don’t do anything.

They won’t use the budget to improve the department because if they keep the budget low they get a bigger bonus

It’s unfortunate that so many people become become managers when one of the key parts of being a good manager is being a team player.

My point is it’s just unfortunate that these selfish stubborn people are the ones that are getting ahead in life lol

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