
Motivation when Current Job is Demotivating?

Sorry this is long winded. Lots of thoughts in my head. I can already hear some of you saying that I need to rely more on discipline than motivation if I'm going to accomplish my goals. And I agree. However, that doesn't stop the soul crushing experience of continuing to work at a job that's both unsatisfying and demoralizing. I try to do the typical mantras of “grateful to have a job, grateful to pay my bills,” etc. But it never works. I'm only at this job now because it pays more than my last one. It's just warehouse work. I'm not learning anything useful like a trade or computer skills. I'm literally just picking shit up and putting it down for 12 hrs. What sucks is that, even though I feel like my time is being wasted at my current job, I do nothing with the time I have…

Sorry this is long winded. Lots of thoughts in my head.

I can already hear some of you saying that I need to rely more on discipline than motivation if I'm going to accomplish my goals. And I agree.

However, that doesn't stop the soul crushing experience of continuing to work at a job that's both unsatisfying and demoralizing.

I try to do the typical mantras of “grateful to have a job, grateful to pay my bills,” etc. But it never works. I'm only at this job now because it pays more than my last one. It's just warehouse work. I'm not learning anything useful like a trade or computer skills. I'm literally just picking shit up and putting it down for 12 hrs.

What sucks is that, even though I feel like my time is being wasted at my current job, I do nothing with the time I have when I'm at home or on my days off. All I want to do is watch TV and play video games.

I've only been there 6 months and I've already lost all desire to work on other projects that could actually make me money in the long run like YouTube or writing; stuff I actually enjoy and would love to get paid to do.

I'm also trying to enlist in the Navy, and I'm worried I'll be in the same spot of hating my rate and not wanting to do anything else with my free time.

I envy people who can somehow be okay with being in a lackluster spot while chipping away at their dream. I wish I was like that, but I can never seem to be just ok with doing a job just because it pays the bills. I wish I could stick with a side project long enough to where it could support me, but I always get too impatient and stop working on it because I don't see results right away. I'm tired of being in this position.

I know this turned into more of a rant, but how did you guys deal with the grind of being stuck in something demotivating just because you have no other choice?

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