
Move on or wait it out?

New job since last may and not feeling it… I started a course on my own in March this year because I wanted to go in payrolling. Soon after my SO was finishing up his contract at this company and they happened to need someone there. I got the job and started in may, since then it's been a weird gew months for me. The work is great and I'm still learning so I try to just do my best. This is also what was discussed during the hiring process. I'm very new and still learning the basics. Lately I have been getting very conflicting signals from colleagues. My HR colleagues make me feel very inept and constantly ask how I like it and if I'm not sure about stuff just to ask. This sounds good but the reality is that it's making me feel very insecure and sometimes even…

New job since last may and not feeling it…

I started a course on my own in March this year because I wanted to go in payrolling. Soon after my SO was finishing up his contract at this company and they happened to need someone there. I got the job and started in may, since then it's been a weird gew months for me. The work is great and I'm still learning so I try to just do my best. This is also what was discussed during the hiring process. I'm very new and still learning the basics. Lately I have been getting very conflicting signals from colleagues. My HR colleagues make me feel very inept and constantly ask how I like it and if I'm not sure about stuff just to ask. This sounds good but the reality is that it's making me feel very insecure and sometimes even unwanted. For context sake, the work I'm doing is not rocket science, it's alot of getting to know and work the system well. This is also something that nobody there really seems to know much about either. Kinda odd.
So in short I feel like they really wanted a very experienced person and got me (a newbie) and are forgetting their manners sometimes.

The job market is great nowadays and I'm in the process of finishing my exams these coming weeks. I genuinely feel like if they don't appreciate me for what I am now and put some sort of confidence in me I want out.

Problem is I feel bad about thinking that and also remember how my social anxiety prevents me from making close connections quickly. My previous job started off bad too but that changed as soon as we got new people. Even now they are very good friends to me even after my job switch.

Excuse the rant, has anyone got any advice or maybe similar situations?

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