
Moving from a well payed toxic job to another one

To start I don't live in USA but in Germany. Here the social things like insurance, pension, etc are covered. I earn a good salary for Germany but my boss is a witch. Many people even nickname her the Devil, Satan, etc lol. Like one time we were joking that our company is a world and our department is North Korea lol. Since last year, in my department 4 full time colleagues left, one of them just stayed like 4 months. 4 interns also left. Just to clarify here in Germany a person enters to a company and stays there forever,the culture here is different,. So many people leaving is a red flag. My problem is I'm a foreigner so my visa is attached to this company. I might be able to get a residence permit but still in at least 6 months to 1 year. And companies here are…

To start I don't live in USA but in Germany. Here the social things like insurance, pension, etc are covered. I earn a good salary for Germany but my boss is a witch. Many people even nickname her the Devil, Satan, etc lol. Like one time we were joking that our company is a world and our department is North Korea lol.
Since last year, in my department 4 full time colleagues left, one of them just stayed like 4 months. 4 interns also left. Just to clarify here in Germany a person enters to a company and stays there forever,the culture here is different,. So many people leaving is a red flag.
My problem is I'm a foreigner so my visa is attached to this company. I might be able to get a residence permit but still in at least 6 months to 1 year. And companies here are not so open to sponsor a visa. I try now do therapie to somehow doesn't end in a total depression.
Point is we can not even put a stop to my boss. Multiple people complain about her in HR like every 6 months, last year we even went to the CEO (nepo owner, firma is from her family, more like title position only) but even though he is his boss , he is too weak to do anything.
This affects me personally and my relationship with people and my boyfriend. I try not to get affe cted but is difficult , that's why I took therapie.
Additionally if I get other job ,it is probably I'd have to earn less, so that's also a huge difficult decision.

Just wanted to vent , . I don't know maybe my boss is way too much for Europe and in America is an average boss , can be.
Maybe someone had a similar situation and can empathize with me a bit.

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