
My (18) job is asking too fucking much of me and not compensating for it

I like everybody at my job, been working here for 2 and a half years. Probably in the top 10 longest tenured at my workplace, there’s no real issues outside of how much I’m asked to do and how little I’m paid for it. My job is walking distance from my house and I’m really only working here until I get a car at this point and then I plan on leaving, and my manager overheard, pulled me to the side and offered me a raise to stay longer without me having to acknowledge it or anything, I agree and wait literally a month and a half before I finally say something. Next check is a 25 cent raise when she was bringing up the idea of 2-3 dollars. It was at that point I started to feel disrespected, there’s only one other person that works my position, I know…

I like everybody at my job, been working here for 2 and a half years. Probably in the top 10 longest tenured at my workplace, there’s no real issues outside of how much I’m asked to do and how little I’m paid for it. My job is walking distance from my house and I’m really only working here until I get a car at this point and then I plan on leaving, and my manager overheard, pulled me to the side and offered me a raise to stay longer without me having to acknowledge it or anything, I agree and wait literally a month and a half before I finally say something. Next check is a 25 cent raise when she was bringing up the idea of 2-3 dollars. It was at that point I started to feel disrespected, there’s only one other person that works my position, I know he gets paid more than me, and everybody there is open about preferering when I’m there over him. It’s like they really sat down and thought about it, decided I was worth an extra quarter an hour. Yet still have the audacity to ask me to come in on my time off and do more work. The other night they put me to do somebody else’s job because they couldn’t do it, and just had them to do something else instead of having me show them how to do it. I’m getting ridiculously sick of it, and I know they’re taking advantage of me, but I don’t want to quit before I have the money to leave. Any advice?

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