
My 64 year old mother keeps getting yelled at by her managers – what can I do?

As the title says, my mother keeps getting shouted at by her managers. This is not a daily thing, but it's often enough where it's upsetting. She has high blood pressure and take medications for it. This is not the first time this has happened and I have already complained to HR about these 2 managers. The majority of the time things are fine at her work but every once in a while, the store manager yells at her about something. This has happened in front of other employees but not in front of customers as she works in the back room. Over the past 20 years that she has had at this job, this has happened over 10 times but it has only been documented with company HR 3-4 times. HR said they would get this resolved with this manager but clearly nothing has changed. My mother speaks broken…

As the title says, my mother keeps getting shouted at by her managers. This is not a daily thing, but it's often enough where it's upsetting. She has high blood pressure and take medications for it. This is not the first time this has happened and I have already complained to HR about these 2 managers. The majority of the time things are fine at her work but every once in a while, the store manager yells at her about something. This has happened in front of other employees but not in front of customers as she works in the back room.

Over the past 20 years that she has had at this job, this has happened over 10 times but it has only been documented with company HR 3-4 times. HR said they would get this resolved with this manager but clearly nothing has changed.

My mother speaks broken English and she feels discriminated against because the manager does not yell at other employees. Only her. These are trivial things that he yells at her about and I personally am sick of it. I have contacted HR in the past and logged complaints but it feels like my complaints are falling on deaf ears. We live in Massachusetts and the company is a multibillion dollar retailer that is publicly listed on the stock exchange.

The only reason she has not quit her job is because she needs her health insurance until she can retire and get medicare next year. She would not be eligible for medicaid or the state-sponsored masshealth program.

What can I do here? I feel stuck and complaining to HR feels like a lost cause.

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