
My bf has worked 100+ hours at his job this week (and other weeks previously) and sees no way out (TW Suicide)

Idk if this is the right place to post this but i’m not sure where else to vent or talk about this. My bf has been working this job for less than a year right out of college. For his job, he does video graphics for big performers for shows and tours which is cool and something he, generally, enjoys. However, the nature of these projects is so time crunched and seemingly unorganized bc of upper management, that him and his coworkers end up working for hours on end, barely sleeping, to meet deadlines. His boss keeps on taking on more large projects which has led to insane work hours back to back. Over the last few months, most of the other people working there quit which makes sense lol but also makes the workload even more intense. This whole situation has put a major strain on him and our…

Idk if this is the right place to post this but i’m not sure where else to vent or talk about this.

My bf has been working this job for less than a year right out of college. For his job, he does video graphics for big performers for shows and tours which is cool and something he, generally, enjoys. However, the nature of these projects is so time crunched and seemingly unorganized bc of upper management, that him and his coworkers end up working for hours on end, barely sleeping, to meet deadlines. His boss keeps on taking on more large projects which has led to insane work hours back to back. Over the last few months, most of the other people working there quit which makes sense lol but also makes the workload even more intense.

This whole situation has put a major strain on him and our relationship to the point where we talked about breaking up (that’s another story tho). It’s only gotten worse recently. I’m genuinely worried about him and he’s been feeling extremely hopeless because he feels like he can’t leave due to a contract he signed that keeps him on for a year or they can sue him (which i’m wondering if there’s a way out of…i don’t know anything about legal stuff though). Anyways, it’s gotten to the point where he’s very mentally unstable and barely coherent because of lack of sleep and stress and he feels like the only way out is to end his life. It doesn’t help that things have been on the rocks with our relationship and it’s been harder for me to be there for him rn for personal reasons.

I don’t know how to help him and i’m worried about his well-being. I wish he could just quit and do something else until he finds another animation/design job that he likes but the contract is an issue and i also think there’s part of him that is still holding on to this job bc he’s passionate about the work he’s doing and there aren’t many jobs like it.

also noting that he gets paid 55,000 a year with no overtime pay (he at least gets comp days)…all of it combined is just ridiculous to me and im scared that if things don’t change soon he will take his own life.

Any words of advice or anything at all are welcome.

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