
My blood is on your hands.

You lied. Just like you always fucking did. I filed so many complaints and everything fell on deaf ears. American Expediting, you are a piece of shit company and so is Marken. And thanks to you, this is the end for me. You lied in training us and said one thing and then later when I got reprimanded for doing what you SAID, Griselda Sanchez, it was a different story. You lied about getting a new system so things would be easier and better. You were busy adding tracking devices instead of terminating the cunts who didn't want to work and then blaming and punishing the ones who did. I went above and beyond for your fucking company and you know it and that cunt bag Michelle was always harassing me when she could easily look at the outbox and see that I was sending emails since we used garbage…

You lied. Just like you always fucking did. I filed so many complaints and everything fell on deaf ears. American Expediting, you are a piece of shit company and so is Marken. And thanks to you, this is the end for me.

You lied in training us and said one thing and then later when I got reprimanded for doing what you SAID, Griselda Sanchez, it was a different story. You lied about getting a new system so things would be easier and better. You were busy adding tracking devices instead of terminating the cunts who didn't want to work and then blaming and punishing the ones who did.

I went above and beyond for your fucking company and you know it and that cunt bag Michelle was always harassing me when she could easily look at the outbox and see that I was sending emails since we used garbage ass fucking Outlook as our email server.

I was made to do EVERYTHING because no one else wanted to. I took calls (and that bitch in HR tried to say others took more calls than me. Bitch, we weren't dealing with the fucking general public and I had so many times where they called back because they forgot something and were surprised to get me again). And the drivers only wanted to talk to me because I was the one who did the fucking job right while everyone else sat on their fucking asses playing on their phone or jerking off or whatever the fuck they were doing.

I was taking calls, building orders, dispatching orders, and replying to emails and what was that skank Michelle doing? Bothering me to see what I was doing and I had to waste time replying to the cunt on what I was doing which was CLEAR on what I was doing because you TOLD me to fucking do it, Griselda.

And then Marken is yelling at me because one of your moron other workers (which, Grissy, do you remember me sending endless emails about Brian) not fucking getting it right and orders were wrong and late, but your moron quality team wrote me up for not adding a tracking number in the order to close it out. As if that's important when we have LIFE SAVING MEDICATION AND ORGANS DEFROSTING BECAUSE FUCKING STUPID ASSHOLES THAT YOU KEPT PROMOTING COULDN'T FIGURE IT OUT. But oh no, she didn't add a tracking number? The whole number? OMFG. Ya wanna know how I know they weren't written up for fucking up, Grissy? Michelle? BECAUSE THEY STILL FUCKING WORKED THERE. That's how I know.

Oh and even better, one of the dumbasses comes back and he's promoted and he knows NOTHING about building orders or dispatching or ANYTHING.

I begged to be moved to another shift to get away from it, but alas, I still had dumbasses fucking shit up that I had to go in and fix because yet again, I was the only person who knew how. I'm being yelled at for shit not my fucking fault and their pissy because their client is pissy and who is to blame? Definitely not the person fucking up. No, it's me. The scapegoat. Like the time I took a call that you ALL KNEW I wasn't trained to take and when I tried to pass it off to one of your lead cunts, they didn't want to take it. A whole team of leads who did NOTHING all fucking day. Were never at their desk, never wanted to help in chat, or on the phone. Never wanted us asking questions. And I got written up for that too and guess what the best part is? I would have been written up regardless. Either doing it or telling them to call back. Because you escalation team didn't want to do jack fucking shit.

I have evidence, bitch. Evidence that unfortunatly wasn't good enough for the shitbag at Unemployment because all they did was send you an email and ask if I really quit because AMEX was toxic and you said “Oh, we never heard anything about that.”


As if you were going to respond “Oh yes, we are toxic.” So my blood is on your hands too, Unemployment office. I sent you countless proof on how toxic they were. How I was desperately looking for a job. In fact, a whole fucking discord server had an entire threaded topic where I constantly said how toxic they were, how often I complained, and how desperate I was to get away and then I couldn't fucking take it anymore when I get another call bitching at me for what some dumb ass did and it's not they're mad at the situation. No. They are pissed at me because even though Marken is shitty too, they were fucking SICK of your shit, American Expediting. Do you know how many non shitty Marken employees complained to me about you? How many dispatchers at Non AMEX offices complained? How many drivers? All for it to fall on deaf ears. But no, you're not toxic. No, you're not trash.

And lastly, to the asshole on Reddit that said he would love to have a work from home job even if they were toxic like AMEX was, go fuck yourself. You're not ready for a job, you immature ass bitch. Who the fuck wants to work for a company that you hate just because you get to work from home? Dumbest shit ever. You think that's important? So you want to be treated like shit, paid shitty (by the way, the non call center AMEX offices got paid better AND could ask for raises), be forced to be the only one working, deal with moronic and incompetent leaders and co-workers and then get written up for shit that you didn't even do anything wrong??? You want to wake up sick to your stomach every single day and dread the day before it even starts? You want to get ulcers and hemorrhoids because you're so stressed? You're a fool and a moron. Oh, but if it doesn't matter to you, as long as you can work from home. I'm 10000% sure they're hiring because they're so shitty, their turnover is astonishing. Hell, we lost three senior management in a day and the VP came back from vacation and quit, so I'm sure it's in the bag for ya. You'll be an excellent match. They definitely like hiring stupid people that don't wanna work.

Fuck you, AMEX. Fuck you, Marken. And fuck you, UE.


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