
My boomer grandparents were shocked and disgusted when I said ‘terrible wage, terrible effort’

I make $20 an hour and live in the rural Midwest. My bills alone, not including insane food and gas prices, are a huge portion of my income. I make way more money than most Americans and it’s still an offensively low wage. But when I said, ‘I don’t really try at my job and slack off constantly’ they were disgusted. Telling me I should bust my ass even for minimum wage. Uh no thanks, I’m not slaving away for an evil corporation that makes billions and gives me this comical salary. ‘Your generation is insane’. Or maybe we have self respect and understand how we are little more than peasant servants. I’ll be taking a nap in the parking lot if anyone needs me.

I make $20 an hour and live in the rural Midwest. My bills alone, not including insane food and gas prices, are a huge portion of my income.

I make way more money than most Americans and it’s still an offensively low wage.

But when I said, ‘I don’t really try at my job and slack off constantly’ they were disgusted. Telling me I should bust my ass even for minimum wage.

Uh no thanks, I’m not slaving away for an evil corporation that makes billions and gives me this comical salary.

‘Your generation is insane’.

Or maybe we have self respect and understand how we are little more than peasant servants.

I’ll be taking a nap in the parking lot if anyone needs me.

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