
My boring government job is making me depressed

Hi all, as the title says I have a comfortable-ish government job that pays marginally better ($45k) than my old journalism job ($33k, lol) but I dread going in because it feels like I'm not learning anything valuable or rather I'm not learning anything that excites me, it's not tickling the part of my brain that I enjoyed about journalism (the tight deadlines, instant gratification from your work, trying other skills like photography or how to put together data). I freaked out and called in sick after crying and panicking. It feels like journalism is no longer a viable option, at least the way of tranditional print media, and I feel like I get passed over for content/copywriting/marketing jobs when I apply and I feel like I'd probably hate those jobs for the same reason too. It feels like the career of journalism that I chose and love is dead…

Hi all, as the title says I have a comfortable-ish government job that pays marginally better ($45k) than my old journalism job ($33k, lol) but I dread going in because it feels like I'm not learning anything valuable or rather I'm not learning anything that excites me, it's not tickling the part of my brain that I enjoyed about journalism (the tight deadlines, instant gratification from your work, trying other skills like photography or how to put together data).

I freaked out and called in sick after crying and panicking. It feels like journalism is no longer a viable option, at least the way of tranditional print media, and I feel like I get passed over for content/copywriting/marketing jobs when I apply and I feel like I'd probably hate those jobs for the same reason too.

It feels like the career of journalism that I chose and love is dead and now I have nowhere to go and I'm doomed to be working at a local paper that pays $30k a year until I die. I've been eyeing taking some camera classes at this local theater but even then idk what I'd do with it and it seems like all the jobs I want to try (cooking, food writing, video production etc) are all low paying unless it's some bullshit marketing job.

I don't even like my hobbies anymore, I don't want to do anything but lay on the couch and dread the next day and the next day until it's finally Friday and I can see my friends and hangout with my bf until Sunday night rolls around and I dread it again.

I know most people would love to have this sort of comfy job, but if I don't have something I can improve upon and that has transferrable skills I feel like I'm not doing anything with my life. It sounds dramatic but I'm someone who needs to improve and almost get perfect at something, and with this job it's almost too easy and boring and I know jobs aren't everything but if I'm dedicating 8 hours a day to something I better be learning more than what buttons to push.

Any help is greatly appreciated

EDIT: Ok so maybe I do want a dumb marketing job as long as I get paid like twice the amount I do now, I live in Austin so 45k is pennies

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