
My boss above all else is trying to give a paycut to new employees

So back in November I moved to Denmark for a year long sales traineeship where we would be trained in phone selling mainly but also product knowledge and tools to use. We sell to our home markets so I sell to Ireland others to France/Belgium etc. When me and my team signed up we were told we would be given free accommodation through the house that the company owns, given a free lunch every day but most importantly, we would be given 1000 euro or 7500dkk a month. Not a lot but everything balances out. When me and my team signed up we were promised that there would be a load of team building activities and a trip to our supplier's factory in Turkey all paid for. Since we've started, we've not had one company paid team building activity. When we would ask, we would be told that “we're planning…

So back in November I moved to Denmark for a year long sales traineeship where we would be trained in phone selling mainly but also product knowledge and tools to use. We sell to our home markets so I sell to Ireland others to France/Belgium etc. When me and my team signed up we were told we would be given free accommodation through the house that the company owns, given a free lunch every day but most importantly, we would be given 1000 euro or 7500dkk a month. Not a lot but everything balances out.

When me and my team signed up we were promised that there would be a load of team building activities and a trip to our supplier's factory in Turkey all paid for. Since we've started, we've not had one company paid team building activity. When we would ask, we would be told that “we're planning what to do”. Eventually, they scrapped the team building activities and told us that instead they would send us to a different city for a weekend every 2 months. Now them sending us on the trip would be for us to go sightseeing or go for a night out. However, they would only buy the train tickets. Everything else was on us. Again not the best but we took it. Those trips were cancelled after 2 outings despite us saying that it was great to charge the batteries and motivated us to work a bit more. When we asked about it we were told that we were greedy for wanting it because no one else in the company got that. Again, we didn't ask for these, this was our boss' idea and all of a sudden, its our fault for wanting what was promised to us to go ahead.

The Turkey trip that was promised to us was also cancelled. However with this one they just didn't mention it to us for a while and then when we finally brought it up, our boss told us that they were in discussion. And then we asked again, and again they were in discussion. Recently when we asked, we were told that it was ridiculous of us to expect it to happen in todays economic climate. When we reminded him that we were promised this when we signed up and felt lied to he said they'd do something else which I have my doubts about.

Finally he told us about his genius idea where new hires were only guaranteed to get 800 euro a month and the final 200 would be bonus based on performance. We told him that was a terrible idea but he thinks it's the best way to motivate new staff to push more sales. We told him that that's not how it works because we're not cold calling customers. We have a set list of customers and they have their own schedule for buying and we just push them in the right direction and offer other pieces but no docking their pay will motivate them.

I can't put into words how mad this man makes me. I finish up in 50 days. Its gotten to the point where I'm counting down the days until I never have to see him again. Anyways rant over

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