
My boss and her nonstop stupid f*cking Teams messages

Oh my god dude, I do not care when you're eating lunch, running errands, taking a walk, or taking a screen break. I don't need you to greet me every morning and ask how my day is going out of nowhere. Jesus christ. If I message you and you don't respond right away, I'm not going to go into a panic spiral. I don't need to know your every move and reasons for stepping away. I honestly don't even notice when you're gone. If you have the day off, I only know it because I realize at some point that my notifications have been mercifully quiet and allowed me to focus on my work. Please just leave me alone and address my questions within 1-2 business days, that's literally all I need from you. ~ End rant ~ Thanks for listening

Oh my god dude, I do not care when you're eating lunch, running errands, taking a walk, or taking a screen break. I don't need you to greet me every morning and ask how my day is going out of nowhere. Jesus christ. If I message you and you don't respond right away, I'm not going to go into a panic spiral. I don't need to know your every move and reasons for stepping away. I honestly don't even notice when you're gone. If you have the day off, I only know it because I realize at some point that my notifications have been mercifully quiet and allowed me to focus on my work. Please just leave me alone and address my questions within 1-2 business days, that's literally all I need from you.

~ End rant ~

Thanks for listening

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