
My Boss and supervisors ignored my emails about needing to attend a funeral. Now I seriously want to quit.

As the title says… I sent an email out over the weekend after getting news that my aunt died, that I may need to take time off next weekend to go home for her funeral. My supervisor was on vacation (but returned today), and my boss was not on vacation but they took Monday and Tuesday off. On Monday, my boss sends me an email asking me to edit a document for them, but didn’t reply to my email. They sent another today saying they wouldn’t be able to join our meeting for personal reasons, but still hasn’t replied to my email. Both of my supervisors have also ignored it… I already have been wanting to quit this job because I am underpaid and overworked (dwindled down to a team of just me this past January) and really hate their workaholic vibes. Now I want to quit even more. So…

As the title says… I sent an email out over the weekend after getting news that my aunt died, that I may need to take time off next weekend to go home for her funeral. My supervisor was on vacation (but returned today), and my boss was not on vacation but they took Monday and Tuesday off. On Monday, my boss sends me an email asking me to edit a document for them, but didn’t reply to my email. They sent another today saying they wouldn’t be able to join our meeting for personal reasons, but still hasn’t replied to my email. Both of my supervisors have also ignored it…

I already have been wanting to quit this job because I am underpaid and overworked (dwindled down to a team of just me this past January) and really hate their workaholic vibes. Now I want to quit even more. So I’m going to apply to new jobs starting today.

Thank you for reading my rant (if you are reading it lol)

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