
My boss changed my pay retroactively.. (I’m looking to get some opinions)

I have been a sales representative at a small business for 2.5 years now. I am a salaried employee with commission paid out once each month. Have never received a raise, nor have I ever asked for one. I use a company car to commute from home to the office, and to also use to drive to sales calls. My boss took me to lunch last Tuesday and told me we were going to, “talk numbers.” When we sit down at the restaurant he starts by saying he can't afford to survive another year like we had last year, and that I shouldn't get commission on jobs that I didn't sell. These jobs he mentioned that I don't sell are ones that he takes care of by sending emails back and forth. He said he had been talking with some of his business owner friends and they were massively surprised…

I have been a sales representative at a small business for 2.5 years now. I am a salaried employee with commission paid out once each month. Have never received a raise, nor have I ever asked for one. I use a company car to commute from home to the office, and to also use to drive to sales calls. My boss took me to lunch last Tuesday and told me we were going to, “talk numbers.”

When we sit down at the restaurant he starts by saying he can't afford to survive another year like we had last year, and that I shouldn't get commission on jobs that I didn't sell. These jobs he mentioned that I don't sell are ones that he takes care of by sending emails back and forth. He said he had been talking with some of his business owner friends and they were massively surprised that I get commission when I'm a sales representative that doesn't have experience installing in the field. (When I took the position he knew I didn't have experience installing in the field and it wasn't a requirement or even a mention in order to receive the commission)

He then tells me he's changing my pay from salary+commission to hourly but I still get to use the company car. He justifies the change by saying the company car is worth a certain number, the number from which he pulled from a google search in front of my face. He says that the money I'm losing in commission could be made up by overtime when I'm needed in the field later this spring/summer. I then tell him I have a lot to think about to which he replies, “well there's nothing to really think about it, it's already been done.”

I realize this is his company and he can do whatever he wants with it, however I was completely blindsided and feel like this is some kind of demotion or punishment. This was the first time we had ever talked about pay in the 2.5 years I worked here. Thursday morning I get an email from our secretary asking me to log my hours on our calendar going back to Monday, the day before the lunch/meeting with my boss.

I'm just looking for some advice or whatever. Thank you for reading <3

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