
My boss claimed she didn’t know I resigned, chewed me out on the phone.

I put in my 2 weeks resignation a couple weeks ago. It very clearly and concisely stated that I am resigning from my position as ______, and my last day would be on ______. When she received my letter, we chatted in her office and she said I'm sorry I'm going through a tough time, and asked if I had any support at home. I said I did and I was sorry I had to leave. A big reason for leaving is due to another manager. I can't stand the way she treats people. Anyway I was ready to tell my boss that, but she didn't care to ask where I was going or what went wrong. I prompted her to talk about it be asking her is she had anything to ask me or talk about. She said no. So I awkwardly left her office, feeling that she didn't…

I put in my 2 weeks resignation a couple weeks ago. It very clearly and concisely stated that I am resigning from my position as ______, and my last day would be on ______. When she received my letter, we chatted in her office and she said I'm sorry I'm going through a tough time, and asked if I had any support at home. I said I did and I was sorry I had to leave. A big reason for leaving is due to another manager. I can't stand the way she treats people. Anyway I was ready to tell my boss that, but she didn't care to ask where I was going or what went wrong. I prompted her to talk about it be asking her is she had anything to ask me or talk about. She said no. So I awkwardly left her office, feeling that she didn't care to know what was going wrong in her store and why she is losing so many staff.
Fast forward to the day before my last day. This other manager comes back from her vacation, and is treating me like shit. Completely different person from how she left for her vacation, after finding out I had quit. I decided to make that day my last day, because I couldn't stand to be around her any longer. My anxiety was through the roof.
I text my boss to let her know I left and decided to make today my last day. She calls me up, and tells me how disappointed in me she is and how she thought that it was just mental health and I just needed a break. She made me feel so worthless and that my time and efforts working there meant nothing. Fuck them.

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