
My boss created a policy to make sure I don’t request time off

So I admittedly gave my boss some short notice (2 days) that I would be absent for half a shift for an appointment. I work for a small family business that doesn’t have any specific way of requesting time off so I just texted her this and she replied “ok”. She didn’t seem to have any problem with this and was still friendly with me the next day, but… Problem is: My job is just a heavy work load that takes a lot of time and energy to get through and no one else wants to/can do it. I knew whoever had to take over for me that morning wasn’t going to finish and would probably be very exhausted so I was prepared to pick up where they left off and put in some heavy work. Well, what I came into was worse than I expected…Two of my experienced coworkers…

So I admittedly gave my boss some short notice (2 days) that I would be absent for half a shift for an appointment. I work for a small family business that doesn’t have any specific way of requesting time off so I just texted her this and she replied “ok”. She didn’t seem to have any problem with this and was still friendly with me the next day, but…

Problem is: My job is just a heavy work load that takes a lot of time and energy to get through and no one else wants to/can do it. I knew whoever had to take over for me that morning wasn’t going to finish and would probably be very exhausted so I was prepared to pick up where they left off and put in some heavy work. Well, what I came into was worse than I expected…Two of my experienced coworkers had been working together and not even gotten close to halfway done by the time I got there (a point in time where I would usually be finishing up if not already done). It was almost lunchtime and there were dogs that had still not been fed breakfast or given their medications. It took me only two hours to finish everything on my own and go back over their work that was done poorly. I don’t blame them, they’re used to a lot lighter workload and it’s taken me a long time to gain knowledge on how to get things done as quick as I do. The issue is my boss and the owner know i’m capable of this and instead of REhiring a second person to help they’re deciding to make it impossible for me to take time off unless they say so. I was informed today that my boss had made a new form and from now on if we wanted to request time off we had to fill one out and get manager approval before we could take the time off. That’s all fine and dandy, I don’t have any issue with that policy, I just think the timing is funny. I’ve never requested off in the entire year that i’ve been there and the one time I do, everything falls apart so badly that this new system gets created

Jokes on them though, I didn’t actually go to a doctors appointment. It was a meeting with my new (future) employer to iron out details for my new job 🙂 Let this be a lesson to any bosses that think it’s okay to let your entire business model rely on one employee!

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