
My boss does my work for me

My boss shows up to work hours early everyday for whatever reason basically lives to work. He is hailed constantly for doing so and works super hard and everyone’s happy and loves it. He shows up way before we are supposed to even be there. I understand an hour early or so (I was in the military before this now at first civilian job). We are both salary so there is no monetary benefit of this. Here is the kicker, he does my daily tasks for me and doesn’t mention it at all. I come in and check my tasks and find them already done. He manages one work area and I manage another but has been taking over. He constantly reminds me of tasks for my area that I do anyways or have already done. I’m really lost as what to do. To be completely honest I don’t have…

My boss shows up to work hours early everyday for whatever reason basically lives to work. He is hailed constantly for doing so and works super hard and everyone’s happy and loves it. He shows up way before we are supposed to even be there. I understand an hour early or so (I was in the military before this now at first civilian job). We are both salary so there is no monetary benefit of this. Here is the kicker, he does my daily tasks for me and doesn’t mention it at all. I come in and check my tasks and find them already done. He manages one work area and I manage another but has been taking over. He constantly reminds me of tasks for my area that I do anyways or have already done. I’m really lost as what to do. To be completely honest I don’t have the same level of dedication to the job as he does and never will and to me that’s okay. I’m at a crossroads to just leave working here because I’m not in love with this place and could care less or should I just soak it up and let him do my work. This is one of a couple things this particular boss does.

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