
My Boss Followed Me on My Lunch Break

Boss Followed Me on My Lunch Break We only go into the office on Thursdays. Since I live out “in-the-sticks”, I usually run errands on my lunch break so I can get better deals on groceries, booze, etc that I normally wouldn’t get in my small town. I walked out of Target today and saw my boss’ car in the back of the parking lot (and you cannot miss this thing, man – he drives a bright yellow Kia Soul with black, slanted stripes – mf is drivin’ a fuggin’ bumblebee). Anyway, thought it was a little weird but also thought, ya know, maybe he needed something at Target too? Ran across town to get (way cheaper!) gas, saw him pull through the parking lot then leave. Okkkk… Next stop, liquor store (for the game tonight/weekend). Walked out, his car is behind the store, barely visible, but there. Dude is…

Boss Followed Me on My Lunch Break

We only go into the office on Thursdays. Since I live out “in-the-sticks”, I usually run errands on my lunch break so I can get better deals on groceries, booze, etc that I normally wouldn’t get in my small town. I walked out of Target today and saw my boss’ car in the back of the parking lot (and you cannot miss this thing, man – he drives a bright yellow Kia Soul with black, slanted stripes – mf is drivin’ a fuggin’ bumblebee). Anyway, thought it was a little weird but also thought, ya know, maybe he needed something at Target too? Ran across town to get (way cheaper!) gas, saw him pull through the parking lot then leave. Okkkk… Next stop, liquor store (for the game tonight/weekend). Walked out, his car is behind the store, barely visible, but there. Dude is a recovering alcoholic so this really felt weird. Since I was out of time, drove back to the office, noticing he was 2-3 cars behind me the whole way. I just sat down in my cube and he walked in 5 mins later. Is this weird? I mean, I have a one hour, paid lunch break – I’m allowed to leave the property and basically do whatever I want but still? I feel uneasy. I don’t know what this was/is/is all about. Should I say something? See if he follows me next Thursday? Anyway – just tryin’ to get this omc Take care yourselves and each other.

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