
My boss gave me more than enough reason to throw in the towel after Christmas.

I won't go into any major lengthy diatribes. But I will just say that I think my time has come to part ways with the company I am in. I'm a good worker but I am not a workaholic by any means, yet there is far too much for one man to do. I decided to help them over Christmas, I am, at my core, not an angry or spiteful person, and I understand they will definitely need me and that will be my parting gift. I'll never hate them, but they know exactly what they are doing, it's not healthy, it's overwork at its worst, they are not far long behind my old job that tried to pull the same wool over my eyes. This has been a wake up call to change careers to something manageable.

I won't go into any major lengthy diatribes. But I will just say that I think my time has come to part ways with the company I am in.

I'm a good worker but I am not a workaholic by any means, yet there is far too much for one man to do.

I decided to help them over Christmas, I am, at my core, not an angry or spiteful person, and I understand they will definitely need me and that will be my parting gift.

I'll never hate them, but they know exactly what they are doing, it's not healthy, it's overwork at its worst, they are not far long behind my old job that tried to pull the same wool over my eyes.

This has been a wake up call to change careers to something manageable.

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