
My boss has COVID

We work in a mental health clinic. He started feeling symptoms last Monday. Came in, without a mask, and worked the front desk alongside both receptionists. He left Tuesday, came to work Wednesday wearing a mask, then waited until after the office closed to announce that he had tested positive for COVID earlier that day. By Friday, three practitioners felt symptoms and tested positive. My boss joined the staff meeting via Google Meet and proceeded to blame everyone else for not wearing masks after the mandate was lifted. He then insisted that the grace period for not being contagious was 5 days after being tested. Several of us had to gang up and correct him that no, it's five days after not exhibiting symptoms. He conceded with a huff and announced that from now on, we'd be a mask-only office. Both receptionists tested positive and are out for the week.…

We work in a mental health clinic. He started feeling symptoms last Monday. Came in, without a mask, and worked the front desk alongside both receptionists. He left Tuesday, came to work Wednesday wearing a mask, then waited until after the office closed to announce that he had tested positive for COVID earlier that day.

By Friday, three practitioners felt symptoms and tested positive. My boss joined the staff meeting via Google Meet and proceeded to blame everyone else for not wearing masks after the mandate was lifted. He then insisted that the grace period for not being contagious was 5 days after being tested. Several of us had to gang up and correct him that no, it's five days after not exhibiting symptoms. He conceded with a huff and announced that from now on, we'd be a mask-only office.

Both receptionists tested positive and are out for the week. One of them has asthma and has really been suffering. Our boss refuses to pay for the time they can't be in the office due to catching COVID from him. Because it's in the contract that we don't get paid sick leave until one year after being hired. My colleague with asthma has asked me who she should call; I suggested the Dept of Labor and the BBB, but any suggestions to pass along would be welcome.

Yesterday and this morning I was helping out at the front desk. Today my boss was actually right next to me at the other computer. I noticed him sniffling and coughing slightly. He lowered his mask to blow his nose, then kept the tissue tucked in his palm as he proceeded to click and type.

I said, in a light tone, “You should probably wipe down that computer when you're done.”

He agreed, “Oh yeah, this whole area. I actually shouldn't even be here. I shouldn't, technically, be sitting so close next to you. But there's a lot of work.” He chuckled.

I said, “Well. Thanks for telling me, after the fact. I will be back in my office until it's safe to come back up here again.” I thought I heard him calling for me a little while ago, but I still haven't gone back up. If he's not going to pay me sick leave for getting me sick, then I'm not going to let him get me sick! He can answer his own damn phones.

I'm finishing some reports I need to write, then I'll work more on getting my freelance site together. Start drafting cold letter outreach and whatnot. Yes, I am writing this at work too. This was supposed to be an ideal job to get me into my studied field! Instead, I'm always getting frustrated. Either I'm like Prince's mother in “When Doves Cry” or my boss is an actual asshole.

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