
My boss infected me with COVID while knowing he had it

Tl;dr: My supervisor infected me (which then infected my immunocompromised elderly family) with COVID, even when he knew he was positive, and now this is affecting all of my holiday plans, including a surgery I’ve been waiting to have, friend events before the surgery, and family that were supposed to stay with me for the holidays. My boss was sick and ended up staying home one day. The following work day, they were there and needed to explain something to me at my desk, so they pulled up a chair within close proximity, and that was that. I later feel weird and understand that I’m coming down with something. Eventually, I get tested after an isolated elderly family member tells me they’ve tested positive for COVID and I’m the only one they’ve seen. I then test and find out that I’m positive. So I messaged my supervisor to see if…

Tl;dr: My supervisor infected me (which then infected my immunocompromised elderly family) with COVID, even when he knew he was positive, and now this is affecting all of my holiday plans, including a surgery I’ve been waiting to have, friend events before the surgery, and family that were supposed to stay with me for the holidays.

My boss was sick and ended up staying home one day. The following work day, they were there and needed to explain something to me at my desk, so they pulled up a chair within close proximity, and that was that.

I later feel weird and understand that I’m coming down with something. Eventually, I get tested after an isolated elderly family member tells me they’ve tested positive for COVID and I’m the only one they’ve seen. I then test and find out that I’m positive.

So I messaged my supervisor to see if I could work from home so that I don’t infect anyone else, and they tell me that people are generally expected to come into the office if they don’t have a bad cough or fever even if they test positive.

He then told me that he’s been testing positive even though he doesn’t have symptoms.

So my understanding is that even though both he and I have jobs that can be done completely from home, he made the conscious decision to come into the office and work within close proximity to others while contagious just because.

This messes things up because: a) I’ve been waiting to have surgery over the holidays and I may need to postpone that, b) I haven’t seen my friends since school started and had a lot of plans to see them before the surgery that would put me out of commission for the rest of the holiday break, and now I don’t even know if I can see them before I go back to school, c) I was supposed to have (immunocompromised) family stay with me for the holidays and I don’t think they’re willing to risk that anymore.

And on top of all that, he still wants me back in the office to likely infect the other employees unknowingly as I have been.

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