
My boss is a Bi-polar narcissist and I hope he gets what is coming to him.

I just need to rant for a minute. Currently laying awake at 2AM loathing my boss, like I have on many other occasions. Feeling unappreciated and taken advantage of… My boss is an awful human and a worse manager. Here's some of the many things I deal with on a daily basis. Constant micro managing and huge mood swings. He's always saying things shouldn't take as long, even when done faster and more efficiently than ever before. Has massively unrealistic expectations. Very rarely gives praise. Only talks about himself except when he's complaining about other people. Doesn't listen to advise from anyone. Completely lacks any sort of empathy. Doesn't pay fair wages or on time. Gets defensive when asking for payment. Makes bullshit promises of bonuses when hitting certain quota's (then makes excuses why he can't give them after they are reached). Tries to minimize any problems I have (either…

I just need to rant for a minute. Currently laying awake at 2AM loathing my boss, like I have on many other occasions. Feeling unappreciated and taken advantage of…

My boss is an awful human and a worse manager. Here's some of the many things I deal with on a daily basis. Constant micro managing and huge mood swings. He's always saying things shouldn't take as long, even when done faster and more efficiently than ever before. Has massively unrealistic expectations. Very rarely gives praise. Only talks about himself except when he's complaining about other people. Doesn't listen to advise from anyone. Completely lacks any sort of empathy. Doesn't pay fair wages or on time. Gets defensive when asking for payment. Makes bullshit promises of bonuses when hitting certain quota's (then makes excuses why he can't give them after they are reached). Tries to minimize any problems I have (either personal or work related) and make it about himself and what he's dealing with. Thinks he is the only person on earth that knows how to do this job. Constantly talks about how he cant ever leave because he has to babysit his employees (meanwhile goes to Vegas for a week while I hold down literally everything)…. I could go on for days about the crap that comes out of this guy's mouth. Just gunna leave this here in writing on the chance it may come true. I hope he gets killed in an accident. Need to quit my job.

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