
My boss is flirting with me

So I started this new job and so far I was really settling in and starting to like it then after a short while I started really getting along with my coworkers and boss. After a while my manager kind of started getting too friendly, then they Wanted to be actual friends, then they started drunk texting me, also I forgot to mention one of my coworkers had been dating my manger for multiple years. Anyways long story short they’ve been making weird remarks and hinting at wanting to leave their girlfriend and today they literally looked me up and down multiple times. They also constantly finds sexual topics to talk about. Honestly I was just trying to be nice in the beginning because I felt bad for her after she told me her sob story. But I really feel uncomfortable with how they take advantage of me i feel…

So I started this new job and so far I was really settling in and starting to like it then after a short while I started really getting along with my coworkers and boss. After a while my manager kind of started getting too friendly, then they Wanted to be actual friends, then they started drunk texting me, also I forgot to mention one of my coworkers had been dating my manger for multiple years. Anyways long story short they’ve been making weird remarks and hinting at wanting to leave their girlfriend and today they literally looked me up and down multiple times. They also constantly finds sexual topics to talk about. Honestly I was just trying to be nice in the beginning because I felt bad for her after she told me her sob story. But I really feel uncomfortable with how they take advantage of me i feel like if I don’t act a certain way my hours and pay will be affected. They also have already spent 200$ on me for a birthday gift and I’ve only worked there for like 2 months. They are very liked and respected at the place I work I don’t know if I should just put up with it till I can find a new job or just quit because it’s really starting to stress me tf out

The only reason why I haven’t left is cause this is the best pay I’ve had and I’ve been offered a position to make more in the near future

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