
My Boss is Infuriating: A Rant about Holiday Pay

I'm pretty sure my boss has never read an hourly employee handbook once in his entire management level career. He is constantly saying the most outrageous things, I correct him, he doesn't believe me, and continues to spout nonsense. Ever since he started May of last year he has been telling me, and every other employee, that we get paid holidays; we don't. He's been telling employees that if they decide not to work a holiday, they can use PTO and then will get paid time and a half; that's not how that works. He also loves to tell employees that our company gives us an extra 8 hours of PTO in lieu of holiday pay, so everyone every holiday gets an extra 8 hours of PTO added to their PTO bank to use for holidays; no we don't. I've corrected him every time. I've sent him pictures of the…

I'm pretty sure my boss has never read an hourly employee handbook once in his entire management level career. He is constantly saying the most outrageous things, I correct him, he doesn't believe me, and continues to spout nonsense.

Ever since he started May of last year he has been telling me, and every other employee, that we get paid holidays; we don't. He's been telling employees that if they decide not to work a holiday, they can use PTO and then will get paid time and a half; that's not how that works. He also loves to tell employees that our company gives us an extra 8 hours of PTO in lieu of holiday pay, so everyone every holiday gets an extra 8 hours of PTO added to their PTO bank to use for holidays; no we don't.

I've corrected him every time. I've sent him pictures of the handbook. I've physically handed him the handbook with highlighted passages. I've read the handbook to him. I've asked HR to educate him because he keeps spreading misinformation and it's pissing everyone off. I'm tired of it!

I'm tired of him lying to me and my coworkers. And there is no reason for it. I don't understand what is going on in his head and what he hopes to accomplish by lying to everyone. It's not like we'll never figure it out, I mean it's pretty obvious when the things (the “benefits”) he says will happen, don't.

I don't know how best to educate my coworkers so they don't fall for his lies and get their hopes up. Maybe a flyer in the breakroom? I've thought about maybe reporting him to my states Department of Labor but I don't know if that's appropriate, helpful, and anonymous. Obviously in a perfect world I'd just quit and move on, but I've already met my insurance deductible and out of pocket maximum so starting over right now would Suck.

Thank you for reading my rant.

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