
My boss is mad I gave my two weeks notice

Our job is so understaffed and I can’t take it anymore so I made the tough decision to give my two weeks notice. I made sure to be kind and professional in my letter. My boss ripped my notice out of the envelope and glared at me then said “ok”. He gave me the cold shoulder all day and didn’t even say goodbye when he left. When my other coworker gave hers before me she asked if the reason she was quitting was because of me. I’m lowkey worried he’s gonna try to fire me before my two weeks are up to try abs save face. He’s kinda making me feel bad to be honest

Our job is so understaffed and I can’t take it anymore so I made the tough decision to give my two weeks notice. I made sure to be kind and professional in my letter. My boss ripped my notice out of the envelope and glared at me then said “ok”. He gave me the cold shoulder all day and didn’t even say goodbye when he left. When my other coworker gave hers before me she asked if the reason she was quitting was because of me. I’m lowkey worried he’s gonna try to fire me before my two weeks are up to try abs save face. He’s kinda making me feel bad to be honest

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