
My boss is on their third week of vacation.

They do not put up with nearly the amount of crap that I do. They get three weeks vacation. I get two if they give me permission. Workers rights are there, but no union for a call-center! What a bunch of jerks. That’s my rant for the day. I hope everybody has a nice day though! For those that suggest I get a new job, I am nearly blind in my left eye. That rules out a lot of work.

They do not put up with nearly the amount of crap that I do. They get three weeks vacation. I get two if they give me permission. Workers rights are there, but no union for a call-center! What a bunch of jerks.

That’s my rant for the day. I hope everybody has a nice day though!

For those that suggest I get a new job, I am nearly blind in my left eye. That rules out a lot of work.

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