
My boss is out of the country on vacation and I quickly realized how much his presence stresses me out

I started with 2 WFH days/week but my boss took one away to “punish me” for making some errors over time while learning the job. I had a rough Monday last week and realized at the end of my 1 hour commute to work that I had forgotten my computer at home. I had to commute back and finish the work day at home and my boss determined I had to make up for it by coming on my usual WFH day, Friday. If i’m sick but able to work, I either have to come in or take a sick day even though this occurs once every few months and there is no legitimate need for me to physically be in office. Whatever, that is just part of having a job. I was feeling unwell when I came into work today so I texted my boss who’s on vacation to…

I started with 2 WFH days/week but my boss took one away to “punish me” for making some errors over time while learning the job. I had a rough Monday last week and realized at the end of my 1 hour commute to work that I had forgotten my computer at home. I had to commute back and finish the work day at home and my boss determined I had to make up for it by coming on my usual WFH day, Friday. If i’m sick but able to work, I either have to come in or take a sick day even though this occurs once every few months and there is no legitimate need for me to physically be in office. Whatever, that is just part of having a job.

I was feeling unwell when I came into work today so I texted my boss who’s on vacation to ask if I can go home for the day and come in the rest of the week. I’m always scared and anxious before doing this because I feel like I’m doing something wrong. He didn’t seem to have service, so I messaged our Chief Operating Officer to explain and get permission. He replied “of course, don’t worry about it. feel better. if you need to WFH tuesday and wednesday as well just ping me. no need to ask”. I had to read it again. Truly nothing could have prepared me for such a considerate and relieving answer. To think that sometimes it’s perfectly okay to ignore arbitrary policies to prioritize employee wellbeing.

I will go into office if I feel fine tomorrow, but I’m hoping I still feel sick so I can take up the offer and let my boss cope and seethe. It’s nice knowing someone with higher authority has my back.

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