
My boss is pissed because I personally escorted one of my team members to the ER

I (F) am a supervisor and when I got in today, I checked in with one of my new hires and she was in tears. I asked her if she was ok and she said no, she was sort of struggling with a domestic issue and she tried to explain but just showed me bruises and cuts and injuries all over her body from that morning and she said her neck and ribs/back were hurting. She was so worried about calling in because she’s still on probation and was scared I’d be mad or fire her so she’d just go after work. I told her to go get her stuff, we’re going to the ER NOW and then we’re filing a police report and going to the court house to get an order of protection. I texted my boss to let her know what was up and that I’d be…

I (F) am a supervisor and when I got in today, I checked in with one of my new hires and she was in tears. I asked her if she was ok and she said no, she was sort of struggling with a domestic issue and she tried to explain but just showed me bruises and cuts and injuries all over her body from that morning and she said her neck and ribs/back were hurting. She was so worried about calling in because she’s still on probation and was scared I’d be mad or fire her so she’d just go after work. I told her to go get her stuff, we’re going to the ER NOW and then we’re filing a police report and going to the court house to get an order of protection.

I texted my boss to let her know what was up and that I’d be out but checking email by phone (we work in a lab/admin setting, work can be rescheduled, nothing critical to where we can’t take time, everyone on my team is encouraged to take the time they need). She just called and chewed me out because “you’re her supervisor, not her friend” and that I should have called HR to get official policy guidance first. Like I get it, but I made a decision so either write me up or shut the fuck up.

People over Policy. Every time. It breaks my heart every time new people join my team and they act like dogs that have been beaten and don’t feel like they deserve to take care of themselves. And I’m so tired of having to fight with upper manangement over issues of basic human decency.

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