
My boss is stealing time

Recently I found out my boss, who I already knew to be a poor manager and a rude person, has been putting himself on the roster 5 days a week from 9am until 2pm, and getting paid for those shifts every week though he does not show up for them. He confirms the timesheets himself and has gotten away with this for at least a year. A coworker managed to call his superior and inform them of this a couple of weeks ago as he didn’t come in on our busiest weekend of the year. The response was basically that they already knew, and that they would call him and speak to him again. They were unwilling to take further action at the risk of him walking. The coworker that informed his boss got her shifts cut, and he has refused to let her work even when we were short…

Recently I found out my boss, who I already knew to be a poor manager and a rude person, has been putting himself on the roster 5 days a week from 9am until 2pm, and getting paid for those shifts every week though he does not show up for them. He confirms the timesheets himself and has gotten away with this for at least a year.

A coworker managed to call his superior and inform them of this a couple of weeks ago as he didn’t come in on our busiest weekend of the year. The response was basically that they already knew, and that they would call him and speak to him again. They were unwilling to take further action at the risk of him walking.

The coworker that informed his boss got her shifts cut, and he has refused to let her work even when we were short staffed and needed her help.

I am wondering if anyone has been in a similar position and how you’ve gone about it. My understanding is that his boss is afraid of looking stupid for vouching for him for so long, so they’re more motivated to cover this up than fix the issue.

How do you go about finding contact information for big bosses when you’re the lowest ranking employee?

I also have a long list of illegal and hazardous working conditions that I’ve witnessed here that could be used as ammo here. I’m just not sure what the best course of action would be here. Any advice appreciated

Also for context I am a housekeeper at a hotel and my boss manages the hotel.

Edit to add I also live in Australia and am a casual employee

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