
My boss is such a grumpy rude man

I’ve worked as a cashier at a small natural health food store for almost 2 months now, and we’re not allowed to sit down at all during our 8 hour shifts (which is pretty standard and annoying, but whatever). Anyway: today, I was leaning against the counter where I stand at the register. And I guess my boss was coming up from behind me because of all I sudden I hear him tapping his nails against the counter top and he goes “___ sit up.” And then he walks away. Like dude I wasn’t even sitting! But I guess even leaning back slightly is unacceptable. He’s so rude and grumpy to me and all my coworkers. Also did he have to tap his nails against to counter to get my attention?? I’m not a fucking dog! Anyway, rant over. It just pissed me off. Also can we normalize cashiers having…

I’ve worked as a cashier at a small natural health food store for almost 2 months now, and we’re not allowed to sit down at all during our 8 hour shifts (which is pretty standard and annoying, but whatever).

Anyway: today, I was leaning against the counter where I stand at the register. And I guess my boss was coming up from behind me because of all I sudden I hear him tapping his nails against the counter top and he goes “___ sit up.” And then he walks away. Like dude I wasn’t even sitting! But I guess even leaning back slightly is unacceptable. He’s so rude and grumpy to me and all my coworkers. Also did he have to tap his nails against to counter to get my attention?? I’m not a fucking dog!

Anyway, rant over. It just pissed me off. Also can we normalize cashiers having seats?? I truly don’t get why we can’t sit down. We rarely leave the register at all anyway.

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