
My boss is the reason this subreddit exists

I am a paralegal, still going to school to finish up my bachelors. I have worked in this law firm for over a year now. My boss boss (the guy who owns the firm) is decently popular since he has over 2 million followers on tiktok. He owns a ton of cars, real estate etc but has been bankrupt 2 or 3 times now, so he has a habit of putting his money into the wrong things. He’s a whole mess himself but my problem is my boss (the attorney I’ve been assigned to). This dude is in his 50’s and while he seems nice at first, he is the most unorganized, uncooperative person I’ve ever met. I’m being paid $15 an hour, McDonalds in my town literally pays the same, but they expect me to not only do the actual job I was hired to do and that I…

I am a paralegal, still going to school to finish up my bachelors. I have worked in this law firm for over a year now. My boss boss (the guy who owns the firm) is decently popular since he has over 2 million followers on tiktok. He owns a ton of cars, real estate etc but has been bankrupt 2 or 3 times now, so he has a habit of putting his money into the wrong things. He’s a whole mess himself but my problem is my boss (the attorney I’ve been assigned to). This dude is in his 50’s and while he seems nice at first, he is the most unorganized, uncooperative person I’ve ever met. I’m being paid $15 an hour, McDonalds in my town literally pays the same, but they expect me to not only do the actual job I was hired to do and that I used to enjoy. NO, they want me to clean up after this grown ass man. And when I say clean up I mean literally. This man has 0 manners and 0 respect for others around him. Whenever he eats lunch I can hear him eat and burp in my office, even though he’s in his own office. He leaves trash laying around in his office, on top of literal client documents and files. He regularly loses files in his car and then acts as if I displaced them. He never communicates any case progress with me. I put things on his calendar In front of his face and when he overlooks them it’s my fault for not double checking with him. Next parts gross so skip if you like:

He has some kind of digestive issues so he uses the toilet a lot and when I tell you the bowl is brown afterwards I am not kidding. He doesn’t even TRY to clean up. And literally takes his phone with him, with clients on the line?!

This morning when I came in the doors were unlocked (?!). I’m the first person in and he left Friday evening so anyone could’ve walked in and steal stuff throughout the weekend. Not to mention he left a nice pile of trash and a pile of client files on the floor. My boss boss knows of this behavior and even though he acts as if he disapproves, he’s employed this Guy for over 20 years now.
How do I even approach this?! It’s one thing to critique someone’s work conduct but how do you tell your grown ass boss that he’s disgusting?!

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