
My boss is trying to make me quit, but I don’t want to (rant)

He's trying to 'push me out' by scheduling me for the least amount of hours possible and just generally being a dick. Most of my coworkers are working 15-20 hours per week and I'm getting less than 10. Consistently for the past 2 months. And he also schedules me for days where I most likely won't even get to work (because if we don't get any bookings for that day he tells us not to come in). So I'm basically doing no work at all. He has also started doing this fun little thing where he does not tell me when I'm not needed, so I show up only to find out we have no bookings and I didn't need to drive all the way to work. I know he's trying to get me to quit because multiple of my coworkers have told me he brags about never firing anyone…

He's trying to 'push me out' by scheduling me for the least amount of hours possible and just generally being a dick. Most of my coworkers are working 15-20 hours per week and I'm getting less than 10. Consistently for the past 2 months. And he also schedules me for days where I most likely won't even get to work (because if we don't get any bookings for that day he tells us not to come in). So I'm basically doing no work at all. He has also started doing this fun little thing where he does not tell me when I'm not needed, so I show up only to find out we have no bookings and I didn't need to drive all the way to work.

I know he's trying to get me to quit because multiple of my coworkers have told me he brags about never firing anyone and instead makes their lives so miserable that they just leave. And its complete bs because I'm actually a great employee. I'm never late, customers love me, I do the job correctly and never have any drama with my coworkers. I take constructive criticism gracefully and am always willing to work on being better. He's just decided (after meeting me a grand total of like 3 times) that I'm his least favorite and he doesn't want me anymore.

I actually asked him about it over text (politely of course) and he lied and told me that it wasn't for any reason and the schedule just worked out like that. But like I said, its clearly BS because I have wide open availability and all my coworkers are getting twice as many hours as me.

I don't want to quit because this is the first job in years that doesn't make me want to off myself, works well with my college schedule, and has a good work environment (excluding dickhead boss). I know there's probably nothing I can do except deal with it and hope he eventually changes his mind, but it just sucks. I'm not going to be able to pay my tuition for community college next semester if this keeps up and there's no way I'm taking out student loans so I may just have to take a semester off 🙁

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