
My boss isn’t paying me correctly

Tldr: my boss is taking advantage of me and it paying sometimes less than minimum wage for upwards of 60 hours a week. I work at a small diner in a small town, and I have a lot of responsibilities. I am both a cook and a waitress. I buss and wash tables, wash dishes, AND I'm in charge of running out POS system (which also means that I run payroll according to my boss's instructions). Additionally, I'm also a college student (I'm a business major and have taken several accounting classes that make it easier for me to understand what I'm doing). It's important to know that the POS is a relatively new development and that previously I had been working under the table. I was promised $60 per day. Well, when we started the POS and everyone went into the books, I was bumped down to minimum wage…

Tldr: my boss is taking advantage of me and it paying sometimes less than minimum wage for upwards of 60 hours a week.

I work at a small diner in a small town, and I have a lot of responsibilities. I am both a cook and a waitress. I buss and wash tables, wash dishes, AND I'm in charge of running out POS system (which also means that I run payroll according to my boss's instructions). Additionally, I'm also a college student (I'm a business major and have taken several accounting classes that make it easier for me to understand what I'm doing).

It's important to know that the POS is a relatively new development and that previously I had been working under the table. I was promised $60 per day. Well, when we started the POS and everyone went into the books, I was bumped down to minimum wage ($7.25 while I'm cooking a $2.83 while I'm waitressing). On top of that, I am supposed to make $10 an hour for every hour of overtime that I make– this is off the books.

Several months later, in a conversation, my boss mentioned giving me a raise to $15 an hour for the last month before I went back to college. Later, when I was calculating payroll, my boss changes his mind and had me change my pay rate to $8 across the board. I was fine with this as it meant that I would be making way more money the three days a week that I wait tables.

This previous week, I was running payroll and Jim noticed that I make $8 and hour while waitressing. He asked me to bump myself back down to the $2.83 for the week, and when that presented with an error in the system, he told me that it was fine and that he would just not pay me the overtime for the week that I was running as compensation. I worked roughly 11 hours of overtime leaving me at 51 hours (this does not include a private event I worked in the evening that he payed me $30 for 4 hours of work under the table. This is where I got the 60 hours). I work like this every week.

Am I in the wrong to think I'm being screwed over?

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