
My Boss Just Told Me He Thinks Paid Vacations are a waste of Money.

My Job is in Mexico and my boss is american. we were having a chat about work conditions in the US. and i asked him if they had paid vacation days in the US like in Mexico (example. you work a year and get 12 Days off with pay, the amount of days increases every year ) he told me he thinks thats just a waste of money and time, that he can't fire people for taking days off and it sucks, becuase you are gving money away for the free. And then i asked him if in the US does they have that, and he says in the the US i can fire you if i don't like you and i think thats pretty great unlike here, but we don't get paid days off which sucks because they are way behind in times. Which doesn't really make sense if…

My Job is in Mexico and my boss is american. we were having a chat about work conditions in the US. and i asked him if they had paid vacation days in the US like in Mexico (example. you work a year and get 12 Days off with pay, the amount of days increases every year ) he told me he thinks thats just a waste of money and time, that he can't fire people for taking days off and it sucks, becuase you are gving money away for the free. And then i asked him if in the US does they have that, and he says in the the US i can fire you if i don't like you and i think thats pretty great unlike here, but we don't get paid days off which sucks because they are way behind in times.

Which doesn't really make sense if he gets mad when people put in vacation days. But he would Generaly like getting vacations days. But not his employees having days off.

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