
My boss keeps fake firing me

The first time was a few weeks after I started. It’s been probably about every two weeks since then that she does this. She’s never done it to a single other employee that I know of; she typically will either do it in a moment where I make a mistake or when I come in for my shift and will say something along the lines of “im sorry you can go home we don’t need you today, you have been let go”. I can never tell if she’s joking because she says it with such a serious face, and she’s generally not a funny person; not really someone to goof around. I’m not sure if she does it because she thinks I’m goofy, because I am, but she did it today in a room with a group of managers and everyone thought she was being serious for at least 15…

The first time was a few weeks after I started. It’s been probably about every two weeks since then that she does this. She’s never done it to a single other employee that I know of; she typically will either do it in a moment where I make a mistake or when I come in for my shift and will say something along the lines of “im sorry you can go home we don’t need you today, you have been let go”. I can never tell if she’s joking because she says it with such a serious face, and she’s generally not a funny person; not really someone to goof around. I’m not sure if she does it because she thinks I’m goofy, because I am, but she did it today in a room with a group of managers and everyone thought she was being serious for at least 15 seconds.

I’m just fucking annoyed. I work a shitty dead end job, I don’t want to work here but have to for a second. And the way she waves job insecurity in front of my face so seriously, and so often. I will lose my apartment without employment. She is the closest boss I’ve had to being a Michael Scott and I do not recommend.

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