
My boss posts the schedule for my work 15 minutes before my work starts… then is disappointed I can’t show up

​ ​ Schedule sent at 10:42 (we open at 11) ​ Chat with Manager ​ I did say this ahead of time… like 43 days ago? Provincial labor law for province I live in Context: I booked the 14th and the 21st off. Those are Saturdays, which are the only day that I work. (I said this a month in advance, as per company policy.) The Manager puts me in on the 8th without asking me. (I accept, even though I worked on the 7th. Canada Thanksgiving is the 9th, so at least I have a break.) I say that the only reason I can work on the Sunday is because I have a day off also. (I'm a student, I need to do things that are not this part-time job.) The Manager says they understand. Then the Manager posts a schedule 15 minutes before the week starts, schedules me…

Schedule sent at 10:42 (we open at 11)

Chat with Manager

I did say this ahead of time… like 43 days ago?

Provincial labor law for province I live in

Context: I booked the 14th and the 21st off. Those are Saturdays, which are the only day that I work. (I said this a month in advance, as per company policy.) The Manager puts me in on the 8th without asking me. (I accept, even though I worked on the 7th. Canada Thanksgiving is the 9th, so at least I have a break.) I say that the only reason I can work on the Sunday is because I have a day off also. (I'm a student, I need to do things that are not this part-time job.) The Manager says they understand.

Then the Manager posts a schedule 15 minutes before the week starts, schedules me in on a day that I say I can't work, and then is displeased that I can't show up 15 minutes after posting the schedule. (This is the only way that Manager gives information to those not at work. No email newsletter, or links to the schedule.)

What do I do? Suck it up? Find a new job? I'm only a high school student anyway, this is just a thing for me to do for pocket change.

Thank you for reading. Advice is appreciated.

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