
My boss protects my dangerous coworker while getting on to me for everything

I've made a post about this before but I like to keep track of events at my work. I started my job in the fall of 2022, I didn't think my coworker was that bad. Since then to about the spring of this year, I had to deal with my coworker having full blown melt downs, talking about killing himself, talking about killing others, telling me about how he wants to divorce his wife. All kinds of very intense things and he would scream at me when telling me this as if I were his wife and he would slam his hands on his desk as well. I told my boss ( who is best friends with my coworker) that I felt uncomfortable and I am being screamed at by my coworker. I mentioned how I feel uncomfortable since I am not a trained professional and it scares me the…

I've made a post about this before but I like to keep track of events at my work. I started my job in the fall of 2022, I didn't think my coworker was that bad. Since then to about the spring of this year, I had to deal with my coworker having full blown melt downs, talking about killing himself, talking about killing others, telling me about how he wants to divorce his wife. All kinds of very intense things and he would scream at me when telling me this as if I were his wife and he would slam his hands on his desk as well. I told my boss ( who is best friends with my coworker) that I felt uncomfortable and I am being screamed at by my coworker. I mentioned how I feel uncomfortable since I am not a trained professional and it scares me the things he's saying. My boss said that it's tough because he can't reprimand his friend. He also had admitted if it were anyone else, he woukd have reprimanded them. Lucky for me, I live in a one party consent state when it comes to audio recordings, so I have this all on tape. Now, my coworker has stopped with the mental breakdowns, but nothing was ever done and my safety was never cared for. I told my boss We are not friends, and since then I feel he has been micro managing me and seemingly retaliating against me. My job title has me as a very entry level position, but they keep changing my work from my offer letter. They keep making me drive to other cities for no reason but according to them it's necessary. I'm waiting for the day where he tries to say some shit to me, so I can bring this recording to light. My hope is that I can stay and be moved away from him eventually. I just found it so crazy my wellbeing and safety were ignored due to my boss and coworker being best friends. I was actually scared my coworker woukd come to worker and kill me.

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