
my boss reduced my hours from 40 to 9 and I’m pregnant

All because I told them I didn’t want to do anymore tasks than I was hired for without revising my compensation. Unfortunately I’m in an at-will employment southern state with very low protection for workers and it’s a small business so the new pregnancy laws don’t apply. I just can’t believe someone can be this cold hearted. Wanted to immediately quit but the only thing that stopped me was the unemployment benefits that I don’t even know if I’m able to get or not because I’ve been only working there since April, and I was 1099 first and moved to w2 at the end of June.

All because I told them I didn’t want to do anymore tasks than I was hired for without revising my compensation. Unfortunately I’m in an at-will employment southern state with very low protection for workers and it’s a small business so the new pregnancy laws don’t apply. I just can’t believe someone can be this cold hearted. Wanted to immediately quit but the only thing that stopped me was the unemployment benefits that I don’t even know if I’m able to get or not because I’ve been only working there since April, and I was 1099 first and moved to w2 at the end of June.

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