
My boss reprimanded me in private but wouldn’t let me talk?

I was having an okay day last week, until I was already working with 2 people and my boss is behind me micromanaging me trying to get me to talk to her while I'm handling 2 other customers. My body physically didn't know what to do so I yelled to her “I'm busy and I'll handle it in a moment”. I'm usually pretty quiet with my frustrations but that day I just snapped. The following day she tried to talk to me about it but we got busy and couldn't get back to it. I thought it was over and moved on because she didn't say anything for several days even though we were slow and had plenty of time to get back to it. But then she called me in today saying we needed to finish. I go back in she yells at me in private for a full…

I was having an okay day last week, until I was already working with 2 people and my boss is behind me micromanaging me trying to get me to talk to her while I'm handling 2 other customers. My body physically didn't know what to do so I yelled to her “I'm busy and I'll handle it in a moment”. I'm usually pretty quiet with my frustrations but that day I just snapped. The following day she tried to talk to me about it but we got busy and couldn't get back to it. I thought it was over and moved on because she didn't say anything for several days even though we were slow and had plenty of time to get back to it. But then she called me in today saying we needed to finish. I go back in she yells at me in private for a full 5 minutes and I don't say a word. Then when its my turn to talk she's cutting me off, saying “that's not what you said/I said” and I couldn't even get a full sentence in without interruption. I wanted to explain that the work wasn't the problem it was the constant commands while I was focusing on someone else. She always assumes and never listens saying that I wasn't focused on the customer but I was. I got so mad for the rest of the meeting I didn't even answer back. I think the worst of it was when she said “I'm not one to hold grudges so after this I'm going to forget the whole thing” when that's literally what she did for a whole fucking week! Instead of talking to me when she had plenty of time to earlier!
I wanted to just drop the shirt off my back right then and there but I need the job at the moment so I can support my family.
I'm trying to move on anyways because I'm tired of customer service jobs, they wear me down way too thin mentally. This just sucks and I don't know how much longer I can be around my boss anymore.

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