
My boss said my co-workers were angry at me for calling out sick, but they were actually angry at her.

I'm a receptionist at a high-end service job where we have about 8 people on staff, all needing a certain kind of table to do their jobs. Last Friday, I had a 100 degree fever and called out, and my boss immediately came down on me, saying that next time I need to give her more notice, and that she would have cancelled her trip if she'd known I'd be out. I had no idea she was even going out of town, as she rules from a distance, via text, and is notorious for not telling people the whole story or information that's actually needed. I shot back that I can't control when I get sick and she started to pretend to care, saying, “Of course, everyone is entitled to get sick.” That word choice set me off for sure but I had to stay in bed all day and…

I'm a receptionist at a high-end service job where we have about 8 people on staff, all needing a certain kind of table to do their jobs. Last Friday, I had a 100 degree fever and called out, and my boss immediately came down on me, saying that next time I need to give her more notice, and that she would have cancelled her trip if she'd known I'd be out. I had no idea she was even going out of town, as she rules from a distance, via text, and is notorious for not telling people the whole story or information that's actually needed. I shot back that I can't control when I get sick and she started to pretend to care, saying, “Of course, everyone is entitled to get sick.”

That word choice set me off for sure but I had to stay in bed all day and couldn't say much more. She later texted me that the other staff members were upset because they were really busy and I wasn't there. It wasn't until Tuesday, when I saw the folks who come Tues-Fri, that I learned the truth.

First, I apologized to my co-workers and asked them if everything went okay. They were surprised to learn that my boss had said they were mad at me, and the lead guy even laughed and said, “Why would we be mad at you? You're the last person we'd be mad at, we're pissed at (my boss). She told (another coworker who doesn't work fridays) to come in and we didn't have enough tables.”

I'm so hurt. My boss is highly manipulative and despite being there for 10 months and asking twice, she refuses to give me the raise she promised when she hired me. She also just hiked our prices by 15% across the board. But the worst part is that she broke my trust. Now, this. All I can do is keep looking for a new job, but this one really hurt.

Edit: Lol I quit

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