
My boss threatened to call my new job to get them to revoke my job offer from them

So I started working at this medical practice a few months ago because I was interested in pursuing a career in this field. I learned a lot of new things very quickly and became very good at what I do. I have developed my own methods to doing certain tasks and created tools to boost efficiency and productivity within my department. When I was first hired at this practice everything seemed to be going well until I met the doctor. (For context I was first hired and trained when he was out of town for a family vacation, and met him when he came back two weeks later.) The doctor owns the practice and everything, and is very good with patients. On top of that, he has a very impressive reputation in the form of fellowships and certifications within this field. The problem is made apparent when I began to…

So I started working at this medical practice a few months ago because I was interested in pursuing a career in this field. I learned a lot of new things very quickly and became very good at what I do. I have developed my own methods to doing certain tasks and created tools to boost efficiency and productivity within my department. When I was first hired at this practice everything seemed to be going well until I met the doctor. (For context I was first hired and trained when he was out of town for a family vacation, and met him when he came back two weeks later.)

The doctor owns the practice and everything, and is very good with patients. On top of that, he has a very impressive reputation in the form of fellowships and certifications within this field. The problem is made apparent when I began to get to know him as a boss, and a business owner. First off, he offers literally ZERO benefits to employees. No paid time off, no time off in general. And no sick time. Insurance benefits are not offered and even medical care for employees is nonexistent despite him being a doctor. He has narcissistic tendencies and nitpicks EVERYTHING. He specifically gets pissed off about problems he could absolutely fix himself. For example, sometimes he needs to send a patient an email, he will get angry at us if there is a mistake in the email address. A mistake like it being “gnail” instead of “gmail” or the address missing a dot. He hates mistakes like that so much he threatened write-ups for every employee for each repeated instance after it happened twice in a row. On top of that he never listens to criticism. Even constructive criticism. There are certain routines and methods to things that have been proven to work for us that he refuses to adapt or accommodate for despite our department being exponentially more efficient. And efficiency is among the most important qualities our department could have because we are only comprised of two people. Us two do the work of fifteen on any given day, and despite us telling him to hire an extra set of hands and expand our department’s staff he has still refused saying “we can manage on our own.”

Naturally, after learning and experiencing his rash, unprofessional behaviors and tendencies I decided to seek employment elsewhere. After some time I interviewed and received an offer from a similar practice in the same field. Some key differences at the new practice being higher pay, a comprehensive benefits package, fully fledged staff, better commute, and attitudes of transparency and fairness from both the Doctor and office manager. I accepted the position as soon as they offered it and planned to give two weeks notice.

My two weeks notice was short, sweet, and to the point. I said I had been offered an exciting new opportunity and have decided to move on. They took it incredibly hard. First, my office manager freaked out asking “why in the world would I want to leave such a nice place like this” and the proceeded to tell me how much they’re gonna miss me and that they wish I’d stay. (All fake energy, of course. In reality they just don’t wanna have to go through the work of finding and training a new employee). The next day, I was pulled into the bosses office and the doctor said he had a few questions. I obliged, but silently recorded the entire conversation as sort of my “insurance policy.” Throughout the conversation he was noticeably uncomfortable and borderline panicked. I intended to try and keep things professional and respectful despite my hatred towards him. He asked why I was leaving and what kind of position it was. I told him that the new place offered a more competitive benefits package as well as a better opportunity for me overall. He asked if it was in the same field and what the new practice was called and I told him as well. To my mild surprise he knew the doctor there. The conversation ended with me describing my intentions about my two week notice. The intent was to remain professional, keep coming in, keep doing my tasks and work until my last day. I am not one to burn bridges and hoped that our professional relationship could come to a peaceful conclusion.

Two weeks have gone by and my last day is tomorrow. I have told my department and my fellow coworkers. They’ve already begun searching for someone new and mostly understand that at this point I’m just counting down the days. I will admit, that gradually my work ethic has become less and less over these two weeks, and I’ve gradually began doing less and less tasks just for my own sanity. Big mistake.

The doctor called me into the office this morning and described to me how frustrated he was that I wasn’t getting my tasks done. On top of that, he demanded that tasks for next week are completed by the end of my final day or else he would call the doctor at my new practice and tell them not to hire me. So now I am having to do an entire week of tasks within two days or else there’s a chance I may be stuck here.

I am pissed the fuck off and sincerely wish the worst for him when I am gone. Right now I’m scheming and brainstorming ideas for how to drop a bombshell after I’m gone, without damaging our professional relationship. I want to make him understand how much I truly despise him without ruining any potential future opportunity. I’m kind of in a predicament here. Tomorrow is my last day, and for now I plan on completing those tasks but I want to do something that will truly make him rethink how he treats his employees.

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