
My boss told me that talking about pay is “not good workplace etiquette” and proceeded to ask me questions about how a different co worker found out about my raise

I live in the US and work at a large food chain. Me and my coworker both received a raise while another co worker in the same position didn’t, reasonably that co worker was upset. Me and the co worker who received a raise were both texted last night by our boss saying quote “how come _____ knows about your raise.” Along with this she proceeded to tell all three of us it is not good work etiquette to talk about raises with other employees because “it causes discord between workers” she then also told us that “it puts me in a hard position.” I responded to this by saying it is legal for me to talk about my raise and wages, which seemed to make her more mad. After I reviewed the NLRB’s website it says that it is illegal to interrogate conversations between employees about discussions regarding wage.…

I live in the US and work at a large food chain. Me and my coworker both received a raise while another co worker in the same position didn’t, reasonably that co worker was upset. Me and the co worker who received a raise were both texted last night by our boss saying quote “how come _____ knows about your raise.” Along with this she proceeded to tell all three of us it is not good work etiquette to talk about raises with other employees because “it causes discord between workers” she then also told us that “it puts me in a hard position.” I responded to this by saying it is legal for me to talk about my raise and wages, which seemed to make her more mad. After I reviewed the NLRB’s website it says that it is illegal to interrogate conversations between employees about discussions regarding wage.

I feel like this definitely is an issue I should report but I don’t know who or where I should go to. It is clear she was interrogating a conversation between us and it also is clear she’s trying to make us feel guilty. What should we do???

We have has multiple other issues with this boss (she made my coworker clean up human waste that was in the middle of the store and proceeded to make them work the rest of there shift and didn’t let them close down the area where it happened) this wage issue is the first issue that we have proof of and seems like could go somewhere.

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